Thursday, February 4, 2010

I'm in love again!

Starting a new project is like... falling in love for the first time.

I don't know about other people... but for me, starting a new project gives me mixed emotions like that of a young pubescent boy looking an a hot matured lady in equally hot and skimpy outfit. It gives me an indescribable adrenalin kick at my gut that makes me jump for joy.

Okay, I know this is too over-dramatic. "Very-Wifey" if I may put a tag on this. Or maybe I was too carried away. As what we all know, you only learn to appreciate something when it's gone. That is why when I had a long extended vacation from work... I really appreciate it because I have nothing to complain about.

Well, "falling in love" may not be the right words or phrase to describe my appreciation for the project I am doing right now... but since it is the month of the "hearts"... I might as well go with the theme. LOL

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