Friday, March 12, 2010

Wifey's Birthday Disaster

It's Wifey's birthday on Sunday. I'm feeling the pressure. LOL

Well, it's not that she is demanding. I just felt that I got to do something on this special day because of 3 important reasons.

1. I had a hard time remembering her birth date when we were new in the relationship. And it kinda stuck on her mind. When she celebrated her birthday for the very first time as my wife... I got confused with the date and it hurt her so bad and every time her special day is fast approaching or anybody's birthday for that matter, she will remind me that I don't know her birth date.

2. On the second year that she celebrated her birthday as my Wife... I kinda screwed up again. Though I did remember her birthday on the exact date... I gave her a hard time by insisting on doing what I wanted to do on her birthday instead of giving her a choice to do what she wanted. It was indeed a disaster. I've learned my lesson well.

3. And even if I screwed up on those two consecutive years... and made her felt so bad on her special day... she never failed to make my own birthday so special with all the surprises and gifts that she planned and showered me. And I felt even worse and guilty for what I have done on her birthday.

This year it will be her 3rd birthday as my Wife... and I don't want to ruin it for her again. This time I will surely make it a point to make an extra ordinary thing that will make her happy. And I hope that I will not screw up the third time.

So help me God!

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