Monday, December 26, 2011

Pimp My Cube

This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of Contest Factory for SocialSpark. All opinions are 100% mine.

Finally vacation is here. Well, not really too crazy though because it means I need to do a lot of stuff like chores, reorganization of the – what else… the bedroom and my workshop. And being said that here I am surfing the net, catching up with updates on facebook and sending emails left and right. Then I stumble upon this “Pimp My Cube Contest” and got quite stuck on it. I read and think if my messy workshop will qualify for this. I do need a very organize workshop for my craft where I do all my polymer clay sculpting. Well, that doesn’t count. So what am I talking about?

This Pimp My Cure Contest is a search for “ the worst, most pathetic and messy cubicle or office that may have bad furniture, old technology, messy, unorganized, noisy, dirty, dark and/or any other attributes that make it a bad space to work in . . .”

Isn’t it cool? They wanted people to use the power of internet to upload a video of their messy cubicle, office space or work area while explaining the why it’s horrible and why you need a make-over of sort. It’s like a reality TV/make-over TV shows that we watch on – of course TV. You need to explain why you really desperate to for the Contest Factory to come in and “Pimp”  your cube. Then, enter your video for the contest. Once the video is entered, you need to invite friends and family and coworkers to VOTE for your video. That’s it.

So what’s the prize for all the trouble you will get yourself into? You get sweepstakes entry points for registering, voting, commenting and inviting others to register for the contest. Judges of the Contest Factory will choose the most voted, best or shall I say “worst” video and the most compelling story. Approximately $1200 is at stake for this contest which will cost the updating of your cube/office/workplace.

There are three prize packages:
o New high end computer system
o New Desk, Chair and Decorations
o New Entertainment Package with high end stereo, espresso machine etc.

Well, based on what I read no has uploaded a video so it means that our chances of winning are very good if we can do the video. You can use either your smart phone or webcam and upload video to the site to enter.
Here is a more detail information of the contest”
· Video should be fun and witty – anything goes!! The better the story, the funnier the video – better chances of winning.
· A second sweepstakes prize of a $200 gift card will be awarded to the registered user chosen by random drawing at the end of the contest period.
· The contest period is from 12/5/11 at 12:00PM to 1/31/12 at 12:00PM.

Hmmmm. I think I can qualify for this.  It will surely be fun. The only problem with me right now is I’m to shy to video tape myself. Well, I will think of something.

So you my friends, if you want a workplace make-over visit the PMC site, register and upload your videos and enter in the contest. Once your video is approved, sweet talk, bribe, force [whatever works for you to ensure you win the contest] your friends and family to vote on your video to enhance your chances of winning.

Now, where is my camera? Wink*

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1 comment:

dannylebowski305 said...

Thanks for the heads up, I definitely have the guy in the video beat by a mile in terms of awful working conditions and there don't appear to be too many video entries out there yet!

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