Friday, June 11, 2010

The Long Trip Ever

Yes, I did not win over my Sweetie about taking a long trip to California to see her dear cousin. We did take a road trip to California and I had to admit we did have a blast. We need to stop in every key city that we passed by of course, so that she can take photos… hundred of them… for her blogs. I can’t complain since I am a willing victim anyway. LOL.

The road trip took longer that I expected. But I am not complaining, we had a wonderful time bonding with each other. And by the way, we took my Ford F-150 truck instead of her car so I don’t have to worry about breaking down on the road in the middle of nowhere and have problem looking for an auto shop.

We did stop once to check engine light but other than that we did fine. And as my Sweetie said… "don’t worry… because San Diego auto repair is just a call away". Oh well, I cannot argue with that too. Knowing that it is one of the most reliable auto shops in San Diego area, I know that I can have a peace of mind.

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