I's been a while since I last wrote here. Aside from a few "guest posts" every not too often, my blogging really took a back seat because My Sweetie is now working on weekends too. Well, if she is not home on weekends I rather not be home too and blogging [I took a weekend job too and I hang out with some friends when I was not working]. And besides I really spent the whole summer gold panning which reminds me that I should have posted a lot of interesting blogs if I wasn't too lazy to do so. Well, what else is new? [I can hear My Sweetie saying]
Okay, so gold panning is over folks because the river is too cold to dredge now. I will not brave it for hypothermia's sake because I have big plans for next summer.
Summer is long gone and it is now fall... it's time for Deer Hunting season... which starts TODAY!